Stand Here And Listen

They're a seemingly obscure band from Sweden called Convoj that I've discovered a few months ago and rediscovered again these days. I am not sure how to classify their music but to me they seem like a mix between the Strokes and Radiohead. That may not be a very good description as they certainly do have their uniqueness. The music is somewhat loud yet very melodic. Their electric guitar sound is distinct but it's the vocals that really give them a trademark sound. Neither are they signed to record label nor have a wikipedia article, which are two very important things today! You can check their website and listen to a few tracks. Here is a song called Cultural Legacy that I got off their website a while back.
hola, un saludo desde Santa Marta Colombia Sur America, en la emisora visiten nuestra paguina y sientan el sabor caribe
1:04 AM
I only listened to Cultural Legacy so far - upon your recommendation. Radiohead is definitely there, but I wouldn't say it's the dominant influence. Good stuff though. Keep 'em coming ;)
4:32 PM
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