My views, observations, questions about everything in this world ....and that country they call Egypt.

28 March 2009

Disconnect Your Head

There is someone in my bed but still I felt lonely as I got up and for some reason thought of you. I just wanted you to know that as consciousness was seeping in to my head this morning so was thoughts & memories of you. I was just wondering how you were doing now and where in the world are you. I know I it's been ridiculously long since we talked but it's just what happened. I care about you and I wanna know how things are going for ya. Tell me you are ok. Tell me you figured things out. They are in the bathroom now so I gotta finish up. Maybe you meant to me more than I meant to you but even so -actually it's not a maybe, I'm sure of it now- I just hope you care enough not to leave me wondering about you like this.


Anonymous Marwa Rakha said...


10:38 PM

Anonymous Xodar said...

I was begining to wonder if maybe you were run over by a truck.

12:49 AM

Blogger Mo'men said...

I have troubles sleeping too :)

8:36 AM


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